Running around like a madwoman with too many (just enough) projects. Writing about what i'm doing seems a superfluous luxury right now. Just DOING it at the moment and will hopefully have a moment (when the mad rush thins a bit) to pop in and embroider it with description and explanation where any might be needed.
Below is a tray of recently finished stoneware busts and limb sets for my Etsy shop. More coming. Working too on several commissions and the initial throes of a lifelong dream: taking Animation Classes at NYU... more on THAT as soon as i finish my Final Project for the first class: Concept Art &Character Design. I'm stressed, have resorted to the worst of my eating/sleeping habits as i careen from one project to another, and am loving every minute of it. The thought of trying to work in time to blog about it seems fairly absurd. So why not?